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From the Surfboard to the Airport to Soho… Gerry’s in town!

Cool Surf Dude!

Cool Surf Dude!

I’m always excited when Gerry Haag announces he’s going to be in town. It’s the only opportunity I get to hear all the fascinating things happening in the life of a Professional Surfer – an Internet Expert Consultant who has the perfect surfer-beach-paradise lifestyle with his family in Mallorca.

And despite his busy schedule on his visits to London, I get first dips at seeing Gerry over all his clients and headhunters eager for him to work with them (who I must add are some very well known online companies)… And I’m just a student!

Gerry always brings some sunshine with him and this trip was no exception as he proudly announced be broke his record of transition from one surf life to another; from surfing the waves to the airport in 17 minutes to fly to London for a business meeting…  There was still bits of sand still visible on him!

Sure, the sun wasn’t anywhere to be seen yesterday, but a Peruvian meal at Lima near Charlotte Street as Gerry spoke about his recent trip to East Africa with his wife and two children was all the sunshine needed.

Good food and (dangerous) Pisco sours fuelled the conversation as I caught up with my friend and mentor (he doesn’t know that part yet), on a rainy evening in London…


The dangerous Pisco cocktails… You get your monies worth as 1 glass was all I needed!

I’ve learnt so much from the inspirational person, however the lesson I’m always reminded of whenever we meet up is that we can’t always be in control of what life throws our way. We have to work with what we have and sometimes, just go with the flow… Of the waves!

You should check out Gerry’s blog about the trip Around The World he made with his wife and two small children for a whole year – Sandamstrand.de

Checkout these related posts:

Down Charlotte Street to Peru, the taste of Lima in W1

iEat: Paris in Soho, Cafe Gourmand

Get the look: Eldimaa Fashion at the Mella Center

Monday Morning Motivation… Famous Failures

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